Monday, August 31, 2009

The Honest Man takes a sneak peek at Community

The Honest Man is not a big TV person as you know. I even tried to get in the reality spirit and watch two guilty pleasures of mine, Real Housewives of Atlanta and Frankie & Neffe. But they've been.....lackluster. Actually they are supposed to keep me occupied until the new Fall season arrives and my shows return. What shows you ask? The Honest Man watches the following shows Hard Core

  • 24
  • Heroes
  • The Office
  • 30 Rock
  • Entourage
I would put "Family Guy" on there but I only watch that on TBS or Adult Swim. Any way, I'm rambling as usual and not getting to the point. I bring up the list to say, it is possible I may be adding a new show to that list. And if the preview is a good sign of things to come, "Community" will be become must see TV. Peep this preview below, featuring Ken Jeong who you may best recognize from The Hangover. Dude is fuckin' hilarious!

Today's Lesson

Don't say the Honest Man didn't warn you.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Songs in the Key of the Honest Man's Life - Just to Get By Edition

Alright readers. You've been patient with the Honest Man, even as I have infrequently blogged on here. There's been a whole lot going on the past 3 months and frankly the Honest Man was tired (hence why they call me the Honest Man, I give it to ya straight). I'm not gonna play politician and make promises I can't keep. Will I be posting more than 3 posts in a month starting now and forever? No. Will this be the last time I take forever to post new material? No. Will I consider your emotional needs and desires to hear the good word more and be true to you? No, this ain't a fuckin' soap opera. I'm the Honest Man dammit :-)

I kick off the "re-launch" with one of the songs that got me through the recent rough patch. Hell this song always gets played when I need a pick me up. This the pre-diva I'm just tryin' to get a record deal and stop getting zero to chump change for ghost producing Kanye West (peep his QUICK 5 sec cameo). Great song, great beat, good times, yep just to get by....

Talib Kweli - Get By

Monday, August 3, 2009

Cold as Ice

"Sleep is for losers" - P. Diddy

It was in the wee hours of a Sat morning after a Friday night full of debauchery. Me and my crew have made the normal party rounds in Houston but need some food to counter the firewater in our system. So we go where everybody (and dey mama) knows your name....IHOP. As is the case with most IHOPs in major cities, this one is packed like sardines at 3amish. If you know about IHOP and after hours, you know it is always like a club within a club.

So we there, kicking it, talking shit with other folks, and notice our waitress is working mad crazy. So crazy that she is slow with everything we order. Water. 15 minutes. Food. 30 minutes. Extra napkins. She forgot that. Yeah, she was struggling. Normally I let stuff slide since 1) it is late and 2) she did have extra tables to serve. But this waitress was part of the wine and cheese club.

Ok, we have finished our meal, sitting there chilling, and I ask her for more water. Again took her like forever to bring that water back. She's starts talking about she's sorry and how tired she is, she's working double shifts, and blah blah blah. She goes away, and comes back complaining some more about her working.

Like I said earlier, I had firewater in me and I felt inspired. Inspired to spread reality in the hearts of little waiters and waitresses across America. So I decided to be real with her. I'm like sweetheart, you remember when you walked into IHOP and asked to work here. You remember that they said they are open 24 hours a day. So you understood with accepting this job, you would have to work these crazy hours from time to time. But you got options. The option is to quit this and go to Mickey D's, where they close at midnight. And then you don't have to complain anymore. Otherwise you got to suck this shit up and do it.

She didn't do the obvious response and curse me out but she did give me the evil eye. Still despite my asshole I have a dream speech, I still gave that poor woman a dollar tip for her troubles. And a quarter to call someone that cares ;-).

Today's Lesson

If you don't want a Diddy answer, then don't come at Diddy with the foolishness. Because the Honest Man will always ask do you want some tea for that pity party :-). Handle your business.....