The Honest man strives to give the public honest viewpoints about all facets of life.
Monday, August 31, 2009
The Honest Man takes a sneak peek at Community
The Honest Man is not a big TV person as you know. I even tried to get in the reality spirit and watch two guilty pleasures of mine, Real Housewives of Atlanta and Frankie & Neffe. But they've been.....lackluster. Actually they are supposed to keep me occupied until the new Fall season arrives and my shows return. What shows you ask? The Honest Man watches the following shows Hard Core
The Office
30 Rock
I would put "Family Guy" on there but I only watch that on TBS or Adult Swim. Any way, I'm rambling as usual and not getting to the point. I bring up the list to say, it is possible I may be adding a new show to that list. And if the preview is a good sign of things to come, "Community" will be become must see TV. Peep this preview below, featuring Ken Jeong who you may best recognize from The Hangover. Dude is fuckin' hilarious!
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