Wednesday, November 4, 2009

We're all in the same gang - Vol. 1

A couple of weeks ago, the Honest Man got a request from his good conscience, aka the Reverend Doctor Page, to do a list of 25 jams essential the progression of the black man. He and I chat often about the plight of my fellow bruhs...the good, the bad, and most definitely the ugly. So I started thinking about what songs would be appropriate. But don't get it twisted, this isn't a ranking. These are just songs I feel the bruhs should listen to from time to time. I'll be posting jams over the next month or so in between normal blogs. So today we begin with the first batch....

Papa don't take no mess

It takes a man to raise a man. No ifs, ands, or buts. And as such, a father has to make sure that his son understands that even with all the love Daddy can give, at the end of the day, Daddy definitely don't take no mess! Let the Godfather himself take us to the bridge....


Definitely have to give respect to the moms too black men. This song captures what it was all about as a youth. Early one Sunday morning, breakfast was on the table.....Amen Mama!

Brothers gonna work it out

I think all generations after the baby boomers have lost their way on sticking together. So much jealousy, so much unnecessary hate and envy. I wonder what we as bruhs would have done back in the days when the fountain said "Whites Only" and "Colored". Definitely gotta work it out

Be a Father to your child

Again, like the Honest Man said with Papa don't take no mess, it takes a man to raise a man. And regardless, this message was relevant in 1990 and it's relevant in 2009. Ladies can I hear it...THANK YOU!


We got a lot of young angry, frustrated, sometimes misguided, and anxious black men out there. This song was inspirational in helping people like me stay the course and avoid getting caught up in the above statements.

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