Sunday, October 17, 2010

Today's Spotlight - I present EXHIBIT H!!!

I told you cats if we cool and you come with something I can get behind, I will pump it on the blog. Well today's spotlight is courtesy of my musical brotha from anotha motha, the infallible HaaL Electronica. My man HaaL has been laying beats for years. He's also one of the few members of my musical council that I actually will listen to and respect the opinion.javascript:void(0)

So he hit me with the link to his plethora of beats that he has been making. And I thought I share with you fortunate folks what the HaaL has been cooking :-). So go to his site at Soundcloud, take a listen and let the honest man know what you think. You want more info or a connection, just contact me via the batline aka the gmail account.

Don't get it confused holmes, he puts it down. Consider yourself blessed....CRUMBS!

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